Žánr: Short film
Rok: 1950
Popis: Advertisement for Bekaert, a componay that makes steel wire and fences. On the basis of a farmer who neglects his fences with harmed animals as result, Bekaert wants to convinces the farmer, and the spectator, to buy their new fences at Bekaert.
Klíčová slova: animaux / dieren / machines / machines / usines / fabrieken / stockage / goederenopslag / Belgique / België / Zwevegem / Zwevegem / Beka / Beka / industrie métallurgique / metaalindustrie / agriculture / landbouw / industries / industrieën / métaux / metalen / sports / sport / clôtures / afsluitingen / Europe / Europa
Poskytovatel: Cinémathèque Royale de Belgique
Práva: In Copyright / CRB/KBF
Barva: Black & White
Director: Dekeukeleire, Charles
Sound: With sound
Typ dokumentu:
Language: nl