FLIGHT: Searching For Scotland

Žánr: non-fiction / Documentary film
Rok: 1997
Minutáž: 00:28:20 mins
Popis: A road movie about Scots in Canada. "Flight" traces the culture they perpetuate and through a series of portraits, follows how emigrants express their identity often generations after their families have moved there.
Klíčová slova: documentary / travelogue / women film makers / Emotions, Attitudes and Behaviour / Home Life / Music / Tourism and Travel / BBC Scotland, Scottish Arts Council, National Lottery Fund, Nova Scotia, Film Development Corporation Vision TV (Sponsor)
Poskytovatel: National Library of Scotland
Práva: In Copyright
Produkční společnost: Antonine Films Ltd and Triad Films (Canada)
Barva: Colour
Director: Emma Davie
Sound: With sound
Typ dokumentu:
Language: en