Gregor Bloéb (on the left) in "Im weißen Rössl - Wehe du singst" (2012/13)
Gregor Bloéb (above, in the middle) in "König Laurin" (2015/16)
Gregor Bloéb (on the right) in "König Laurin" (2015/16)
Gregor Bloéb (front, third on the left) in "König Laurin" (2015/16)
Gregor Bloéb (in the middle) in "König Laurin" (2015/16)
Gregor Bloéb, Sido (from left to right) in "Halbe Brüder" (2014/15)
Gregor Bloéb (in the front), Diana Amft in "Im weißen Rössl - Wehe du singst" (2012/13)
Gregor Bloéb, Tobias Licht (from left to right) in "Im weißen Rössl - Wehe du singst" (2012/13)