
Andre titler: Amour redempteur
År: 1922
Beskrivelse: One night, assisted by her faithful retainers, the beautiful, consumptive and unhappily married Countess Alexandra flees from her brutal husband and travels to a mountain resort where she hopes to regain her health and start a new life. At about the same time Edgar Buchanan, a multimillionaire weary of his life in London where he is surrounded by parasites who only covet his money, leaves England and goes on a Mediterranean cruise in his yacht. In a seaport town he enters the house of the Algerian fakir Hamul Afid who succeeds in bringing Edgar under his hypnotic influence and is able to extort from him great sums of money. When Hamul suddenly dies, the spel is broken. The fakir's foster-daughter is able to return part of the money to Edgar, who likes the girl and decides to adopt her. He places her in a boarding school. Back in London, Edgar is depressed by and disgusted with the hypocrisy and flattery of his so-called friends. For the last time he invites them to a feast, during which he tells them what he thinks of them. He resolves to put an end to his life and goes to a Continental mountain resort where he intends to commit suicide by staging what will appear to be a fatal accident. In the hotel he meets and falls in love with Alexandra, who is able to dissuade him from his rsolution. Edgar will live, because he loves her. However, Alexandra's health declines and, on a beautiful day in spring, she passes away, but not before having extracted the promise from Edgar that he will marry Sonja, who has now grown into an attractive young woman. Edgar will never be able to forget Alexandra. A portrait of her, painted by his friend Raoul, will keep her living in his memories.
Nøgleord: 6 augustus 1922 / 9 juni 1922 / Reuzengebergte / Tsjechië / Polen / Groot-Brittannië / Bondsrepubliek Duitsland / Londen / gezondheid
Udbyder: EYE Filmmuseum (The Netherlands)
Rettigheder: In Copyright - EU Orphan Work
Produktionsselskab: Turma-Film (Duitsland)
Director: Theo Frenkel sr
Related Names
- Robert Scholz | Actor
- Henny van Merle | Actor
- Oskar Marion | Actor
- Willy Kaiser-Heyl | Actor
- Coen Hissink | Actor
- Vera van Haeften | Actor
- Paul de Groot | Actor
- Annie Frenkel - Wesling | Actor
- Theo Frenkel sr | Actor
- Annie de Freese | Actor
- Margit Barnay | Actor
- Theo Frenkel sr | Producer
- Theo Frenkel sr | Screenplay
- Rochus Gliese | Set decorator
- Willy Grossstück | Director of photography
- Theo Frenkel sr | Director