Don Minzoni

Genre: Documentary film
Jahr: 1966
Dauer: 00:16:00
Beschreibung: The life of the parish priest don Giovanni Minzoni is reconstructed from adolescence to adulthood, from pastoral mission to extreme sacrifice. The film visits the places of his youth in his hometown and of his studies at the seminary of Ravenna. His mission is followed up to his tragic death.
Schlüsselwörter: EFG1914 / World War I
Anbieter: Cineteca di Bologna
Rechte: In Copyright / For information about the rights holder please contact Cineteca di Bologna.
Produktionsfirma: Corona Cinematografica
Farbe: Black & White
Regie: Laura, Ernesto G.
Ton: With sound
Sammlung: Cineteca di Bologna Film Collection
Language: it