
Genre: Feature film / Trailer
Year: 2009/2010
Runtime: 01:44 min
Description: Janosch is in his early 20s and dreams of being a career musician – but to no avail. He dropped out of college, and now returns feeling like a failure for a weekend in his hometown of Lüdenscheid. His nagging parents are giving him a hard time, and his old friends have turned their back on the past. In short, nothing is like it used to be. And then there is Lina, who thoroughly annoys Janosch with her upbeat personality – until her zest for life finally passes on to him.
Provider: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Rights: In Copyright / SixStar Films AG (Zürich)
Director: Marc Schaumburg
Document type:
Language: de