Narziss und Goldmund

Lajityyppi: Feature film / Trailer
Vuosi: 2018-2020
Kesto: 01:00 min
Kuvaus: Narcissus and Goldmund Film adaptation of the novel of the same name by Hermann Hesse. The story takes place in the Middle Ages, when Narcissus and Goldmund meet as monastic students in the Mariabronn Monastery. While the pious Narcissus follows the strict rules of the convent with full fervor, the joyous and free-spirited Goldmund sees no purpose in doing so. Nevertheless, he tries to be a docile student and an intimate friendship develops between the two young men. Eventually, however, Goldmund leaves the convent and, encouraged by Narcissus, starts searching for his mother, who left the family a long time ago. This is how an adventurous journey begins during which he meets his great love, the maid Lene. He becomes an artist, experiences freedom and happiness, the hell that is the black plague, suffering and death. Years later, the old friends meet again, at a dramatic moment of their lives which ultimately tests their friendship.
Sisältölähde: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Oikeudet: In Copyright / Sony Pictures Entertainment Deutschland GmbH (Berlin)
Ohjaaja: Stefan Ruzowitzky
Language: de