
Genre: Feature film / Trailer
Année: 2010/2011
Durée: 2:04 min
Description: The inhabitants of a small village in Kazakhstan make a living by salvaging and swapping the scrap parts and junk found after every rocket launch from the nearby Baikonur space port. Young Iskander, called "Gagarin", dreams about taking off into space one day and listens to the radio traffic of the space centre. He is also the one locating the metal parts, making sure to get there before the competing collectors. Nazira, who is secretly in love with Iskander, hates rockets and their technology since her parents died in an accident related to the space programme. But Iskander only has eyes for French space tourist Julie Mahé, whom he only knows from television. When her space capsule crashes on Earth, Iksander saves her. Realizing that Julie is suffering from amnesia, he introduces her as his fiancée.
Fournisseur: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Droits: In Copyright / X Verleih AG (Berlin)
Director: Veit Helmer
Type de document:
Language: de