
Genre: Documentary film / Trailer
Année: 2006/2007
Durée: 01:59 min
Description: Elder Blossom Documentary by Volker Koepp, who travels to the Kaliningrad area, a region characterized by depopulated villages and fallow fields. The children who live here often grow up without parental care and are forced to take responsibility for themselves and their siblings at a very early age. Between the widespread alcoholism and the everyday casual violence of adults, these children try to find a way into life - designing a childlike counter - world for themselves with amazing joie de vivre and humor: A way to not lose their confidence and hope despite the often bleak living conditions.
Fournisseur: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Droits: In Copyright / Edition Salzgeber & Co. Medien GmbH (Berlin)
Director: Volker Koepp
Type de document:
Language: de