
Műfaj: Documentary film / Trailer
Év: 2013/2014
Játékidő: 01:40 min
Leírás: Documentary on the unusual life and family history of Swiss-born Florian Burkhardt, who enjoys success in a string of different professions, yet also suffers from severe mental problems. Following his high school graduation in the mid-nineties, he founded a successful snowboarding magazine and worked as a journalist. At the end of the decade, he relocated to Zurich to study multimedia design and eventually became an internet pioneer. At the same time, he endured anxiety attacks and committed himself to a psychiatric ward. Again and again, he changed both his social milieu and career. From 2004 on, he used the moniker "electroboy" to host parties that aimed to combine art and music. Moreover, he moonlighted as a fashion and graphics designer, wrote a book, created a music magazine and composed electronic music. The film thus presents the portrait of a restless man on the run from himself.
Szolgáltató: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Jogok: In Copyright / déjà-vu Film UG (Hamburg)
Director: Marcel Gisler
A dokument típusa:
Language: de