Genere: Feature Film
Anno: 1931
Descrizione: One day, on the island of Lesbos, a shepherd by the name of Lamonas finds an abandoned little boy sucking milk from the teats of a goat. The shepherd calls the boy Dafnis and takes him as his own child. It just so happens that at about the same time, Dryantas, another shepherd, comes across an abandoned little girl that he calls Chloe and likewise takes her home with him. Dafnis and Chloe grow up together and reach puberty, when they awaken to feelings of love for each other. They are deeply puzzled by these new emotions, until one day a beautiful woman, who is sexually attracted to Dafnis, initiates him into the mysteries of love, and then Dafnis, in turn, initiates Chloe. In the meantime, we are told that Dafnis is the son of Lord Dionysiophanis and Chloe the daughter of Megaklis, a dignitary from Lesbos.
1. OPENING FILM TITLES Screen adaptation of Longos’s ancient bucolic (pastoral) idyll (romance). Main Cast: Lucy Matli and Apollon Marsyas, Cameraman: Dimitris Meravidis, Technical Director: Tassos Meletopoulos, Scriptwriter, Director: Orestis Laskos )
10. DAPHNIS’ S RETURN AND HIS MUCH WANTED REUNION WITH CHLOE Daphnis is back to his old, familiar surroundings. The dance of the Nymphs at the lake. Daphnis is playing his flute. His song sounds like a lover’s call. Chloe walks towards the source of music and meets her love behind a rock. The two young people hug each other. (LAKE – PLAIN OUTSIDE DAPHNIS’S HOUSE – LAKE – PLAIN OUTSIDE DAPHNIS’ HOUSE)
2. DAPHNIS AND CHLOE ARE AWAKENED TO FEELINGS OF LOVE FOR EACH OTHER Shots of virgin territory, bucolic scenes on Lesvos. Daphnis and Chloe play joyfully in a forest with waterfalls and at the seashore. Their carefree games of innocence come to an end when Chloe sees Daphnis bathing naked and she is struck by his beauty. Curious to see how her beauty compares to his, Chloe goes naked into the water, too, but she is not happy with her reflection. In the meantime, Dorkon, another shepherd older than Daphnis, takes a peep at her that leaves him burning with desire and sets his heart on her. Daphnis seeks Chloe out and finds her seated deep in thoughts. They lie down in the meadow. He plays music on his flute. She starts to cry. (LESVOS – FOREST WITH WATERFALLS – SEASHORE – MEADOW )
3. DORKON AND DAPHNIS DECLARE THEIR LOVE FOR CHLOE AND SHE CHOOSES DAPHNIS Dorkon the shepherd suggests that she choose one of the two. He presents his arguments and so does Daphnis. Chloe makes her feelings clear with a kiss to Daphnis. The two children walk off in each other’s arms. The nymphs sing away in the lake under the spring moonlight. Daphnis feels uneasy but cannot explain it. (FOREST – LAKE )
4. DAPHNIS ATTACKS ASTYLOS, WHO TRIES TO RAPE CHLOE AND GETS ARRESTED Dionysiophanis arrives at the village with his wife Kleareti, his son Astylos and his retinue. They are struck by Daphnis’s beauty. Going on a hunting trip with his retinue, Astylos comes upon Chloe. He tries to rape her and Daphnis hits him with a rock. Astylos, who wants to take revenge, unleashes his retinue after Daphnis, who plays his flute in the wilderness. Daphnis is arrested. Chloe’s parents, who are poor shepherds, comfort her. She cries over Daphnis’ possible death. Daphnis, who is kept tied up, gets flogged on Astylos’ orders. (MOUNTAIN - VILLAGE – FOREST – THE YARD IN CHLOE’S HOUSE )
5. DAPHNIS’S LORDLY ANCESTRY IS REVEALED THROUGH HIS BROTHERLY TIES OF KINSHIP WITH ASTYLOS AND HE IS SET FREE Lamon, Daphnis’s foster father, recalls how he found him in the forest sucking milk from the teats of a goat. He brings that to the attention of Lord Dionysiophanis, who happily shares the information with his friends. Lamon goes on to explain that, as he was poor at that time, he abandoned Daphnis, still in his infancy, in the forest. The lord’s men are now ordered to stop flogging the young boy. Upon his release, Daphnis runs away feeling scared. Astylos, officially his brother by now, escorted by his retinue, seeks Daphnis out and catches up with him. He then explains that he and Daphnis are brothers. Chloe’s (foster) parents try to comfort her as she wails for fear that Daphnis will turn his back on her, now that he has become a young nobleman. (FOREST – VILLAGE - THE YARD IN CHLOE’S HOUSE )
6. THE TANTALIZING SURGING OF FEELINGS OF LOVE BETWEEN DAPHNIS AND CHLOE LEADS DAPHNIS INTO LYKAINIA’S ARMS, WHO SEDUCES HIM AND INITIATES HIM INTO THE SECRETS OF LOVE Daphnis and Chloe laugh and play in the forest. Lykainia, a passionate woman from the city, lusts after handsome Daphnis and wants to fulfil her desire. But Daphnis does not reciprocate her feelings for him. In the twilight late on a summer afternoon, a novel emotion that they cannot explain surges through the two young people. It is the name of love and its manifestations that still elude them. They talk about their strange illness with a shepherd in the area and he explains that their “illness” is called love. It’s a god, young, handsome and winged that not even Zeus can defeat. He is the all-powerful lord. Kissing and hugging is the only cure there is. The two youths follow the shepherd’s advice but their inexperience only makes things worse. This is the opportunity that Lykainia, who has been spying on them, has been waiting for. On the pretext of her little dog that was supposedly lost, Lykainia takes Daphnis aside and confides in him that she has been instructed by the nymphs to let him into the well-guarded secrets of Love. And so it happens. Daphnis is anxious to share the news with Chloe. Lykainia warns him that before he can pass the secrets of love on to a virgin, he must first take her as his wife. (FOREST)
7. DAPHNIS PROPOSES TO CHLOE BUT HIS FATHER, LORD DIONYSIOPHANIS, OBJECTS TO THIS MARRIAGE Daphnis promises Chloe, who is feeling blue, that he will marry her. His father, Lord Dionysiophanis, forbids this marriage because a shepherd’s daughter is an unsuitable bride for a young nobleman. Daphnis tells Chloe the sorrowful news. (OUTSIDE DIONYSIOPHANIS’S HOUSE – THE COURT OF DIONYSIOPHANIS’ HOUSE - OUTSIDE DIONYSIOPHANIS’ HOUSE –)
8. CHLOE’S SORROW URGES HER MOTHER TO CALL ON LORD DIONYSIOPHANIS AND REVEAL HIM CHLOE’S LORDLY ANCESTRY Chloe, an emotional wreck, goes home where her mother tries to cheer her up. She tells her daughter that she has a plan. Her mother calls on Lord Dionysiophanis and confides in him that her husband found baby girl Chloe in the undergrowth, sucking milk from the teats of a ewe. To substantiate her claim, she produces the baby’s swaddling clothes, which she had put away. This testifies to the baby’s rich family. The lord undertakes to find her biological father. In the previous scene, the girl’s foster father is shown in a flashback, carrying the baby home with him. (CHLOE’S HOUSE – MEADOW - CHLOE’S HOUSE – MEADOW)
9. THE LONG, UNBEARABLE SEPARATION OF DAPHNIS AND CHLOE UNTIL CHLOE’S LORDLY ANCESTRY IS ASCERTAINED The two youths go their separate ways after exchanging vows of eternal love. He is off to town while she stays behind to carry on as a shepherdess. Months go by and the beautiful shepherdess laments on the separation from her love. And so does Daphnis, pining for her in the depths of despair. Chloe, feeling no less desperate, asks around for news of Daphnis, but to no avail. She stands at the edge of a cliff, imploring the god of the sea to bring back her love. Standing at the top of the castle, Daphnis gazes sorrowfully out across the sea. And then, all of a sudden, the news breaks that Chloe is the daughter of Megaklis, Lord of Mytilini. (THE SEASHORE – OUTSIDE CHLOE’S HOUSE – THE CASTLE – THE PLAIN - THE SEASHORE – OUTSIDE CHLOE’S HOUSE – THE CASTLE – THE PLAIN)
Fonte esterna: Tainiothiki tis Ellados
Casa di produzione: ASTRON FILM
Tipo documento:
Collezione: Ψηφιοποιημένες ελληνικές ταινίες μυθοπλασίας