
Genre: Feature film / Trailer
Jaar: 2014-2016
Speelduur: 01:43 min
Beschrijving: Anna and Sam are prime examples of the well-suited, inner-city bourgeoisie: They live in the Prenzlauer Berg quarter of Berlin, have a posh renovated apartment and only shop organic foods. Anna is a cardiac surgeon and Sam is an ad copywriter. Being stressed out, they hardly have time for one another, but this is supposed to change with their spontaneous move to the countryside. Anna takes over a local practice, while Sam wants to write a novel. Yet, provincial life is not as idyllic and perfect as it first appears. Anna's practice is basically run by old-timely receptionist Gertie, the new home turns out to be quite run-down, and while the neighbors are very welcoming, they also are pretty nosey. When Anna begins to think loudly about having kids, Sam eventually panics. Yet despite the chaos and obstacles, they are not willing to give up the dream of a harmonic life in the countryside that easily.
Provider: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Rechten: In Copyright / Warner Bros. Entertainment GmbH (Hamburg)
Director: Marco Kreuzpaintner
Type document :
Language: de