Género: Feature Film
Ano: 1967
Descrição: A woman (Peri Poravou) wanders around a deserted beach in a provincial town with her 10-year-old son (Panos Gkiokas). The following day, she has to leave her son with her ex-husband (Nikiforos Naneris) according to a court order. On the verge of desperation, she is considering ending both her life and her son’s. The dawn, however, fills her with hope and strength to go on living.
10. ON THE WAY BACK HOME WITH YOUNIS, ANTONIOU RECALLS THE MOMENT SHE DECIDED TO LEAVE HER HUSBAND AND GO TO MESOLOGGI Younis and his mother return to the provincial town. It is early afternoon. (Flashback: the woman and a girl friend at an open-air Athens café. She tells her friend that she has applied at work for transfer to Mesologgi. Her friend gives her some advice: "Men need understanding. You choose to be by yourself and you are very sensitive … You two haven't yet adapted yourselves to married life. After five years of marriage, you are suddenly in deep water". The man boards the ferry in his car. Younis is on the road with his mother, their lips sealed. It is a solitary walk back home. The woman pushes open the old iron gate. (MESOLOGGI – AN OPEN-AIR ATHENS CAFÉ – THE PORT)
11. WAITING TO PART WITH HER CHILD, ANTONIOU RECALLS THE DIFFICULT MOMENTS OF HER MARRIED LIFE The man disembarks from the ferry. At home, it makes Younis feel sad to see his mother pack his suitcase. He picks up a toy gun and points it at her. She looks at him and sadness shows in her eyes. (Flashback: The man comes home at dawn on tiptoe in case he wakes her up. But she has been up in bed waiting for him: "You've turned this place into a hotel. I'll leave you alone. I'll get a transfer and take the child with me". Younis, just a baby at the time, cries in his cot). Younis listens on the portable radio to the running commentary on a game of football: "Olympiakos v. Apollon Athinon" have drawn, nil all". (MESOLOGGI – ANTONIOU'S HOUSE – THE PORT- A HOUSE IN ATHENS)
12. ANTONIOU MEETS YOUNIS'S FATHER AND PARTS WITH YOUNIS The man drives under an arch at the entrance to Mesologgi. The cafés at the square are full of people (travelling shot). There is a crowd on a leisurely walk in the nearby streets. We are at a café at a central hotel in Mesologgi. Some locals play cards. The man finishes his coffee and looks around for a public phone. He calls the woman and tells her he cannot remember the exact address. Younis's mother suggests that he ask at the square. The car pulls up outside the house. The woman greets him coldly. They don't talk. Both sides apparently feel awkward. The kite lies torn on a chair. After exchanging the same old platitudes, the man reassures the woman that Younis will be very comfortable with his aunt Nafsika. The kid seems aloof and detached. He is cool and unemotional towards his father, although he has brought him a toy that looks like a flying saucer. Younis eyes the toy with immense interest. His mother packs Younis's school exercise notebooks: "They've done as far as division. Make sure you send him to a good school". They must go now. They leave the house. A farewell hug and the car doors close. (THE ENTRANCE TO MESOLOGGI – A SQUARE IN MESOLOGGI – A CAFÉ – ANTONIOU'S HOUSE – OUTSIDE ANTONIOU'S HOUSE)
13. ANTONIOU IS NOW LEFT ALL ALONE Desolate landscapes completely lacking human presence. Pictures of an empty house: the torn kite, Younis' framed photo. It is afternoon. The woman walks alone in empty streets. She goes into a community club. The local cultural issues activist tells her that she was the only one who did not attend the speech. She finds her rather pale. The woman goes to the bar of a hotel. The hall is completely empty. She takes a seat at a secluded table. There are some cosmopolitan uptown people in the hotel reception area. The couple leave to explore the entertainment options in the area. The third member of their party, a carefree young man in his late twenties, makes his way to the bar for a drink. He takes a seat opposite the woman. They exchange glances. The young man turns on a portable radio. It plays the song "These boots are made for walking" (panoramic view). The two individuals look trapped in their own different worlds. The young man turns off the radio and tries to strike a conversation with the woman. The couple are back. The man is the son of a shipowner. His female companion looks disappointed: "Now I know why the Greeks made a sortie of Mesologgi". There is not even a club to have fun. The shipowner's son suggests that they leave this desolate place as soon they can. (DESOLATE STREETS – ANTONIOU'S HOUE – A CLUB – A HOTEL BAR)
14. ANTONIOU MEETS THE FISHERMAN AND HER SENSUALITY IS REBORN WITH HIM, BUT THE LACK OF FAMILY LIFE IS A GAP THAT CANNOT BE BRIDGED The woman is taking a walk by herself at the lagoon. She sits down on the sand and cries, burying her face in her hands. The fisherman with the boat comes along. He walks up to her. "Is he gone? Are you cold?" He wraps his jacket around her back. There is a boat nearby, pulled ashore. The woman lies on her back, as if waiting for something to happen without saying as much as a single word. The fisherman lights a cigarette. He strokes her body. They kiss. It's a melancholic sunset (panoramic view of the empty beach). He says he must go. He grabs his bare leg with an expression of sexual fulfillment on her face. The woman is alone in the boat. She stands up and puts on her shoes. She wipes the sand off her clothes. She looks out at the lagoon. She walks alone at the empty beach. Further down, some fishermen are pulling their nets ashore. A little boy, at her son's age, is sitting down on the sand, playing a tune on his mouth-organ. They look fixedly at each other. The woman smiles. (THE LAGOON)
2. AN INTRODUCTION TO MRS ANTONIOU'S FAMILY CIRCUMSTANCES: PARALLEL ACTION THAT DEPICTS THE LIFE OF THE DIVORCED COUPLE, THE MOTHER IN MESOLOGGI WITH HER SON AND THE FATHER IN ATHENS WITH HIS SISTER. A seaside provincial town (Mesologgi). It's early in the morning. Four teenagers have arranged to ring the door bells in a certain neighborhood. One of them is Mrs. Antoniou's, who gets out of bed and opens the window of her detached house in time to catch a glimpse of the youths dashing for cover around the corner. The woman glances at Younis, her ten-year-old son, who is asleep. She goes into the kitchen and makes herself some coffee. The radio plays military marches on the anniversary celebration of the 25th March. She lights a cigarette, goes into the bathroom and looks at herself in the mirror: the beautiful yet sad face of a woman in her late thirties. She goes to the front door to collect the milk delivered by the milkman. She wakes up Younis. There is a volley of artillery gunfire from Athens. A helicopter is landing on a heliport on a hill in the city centre. A man is shaving with a shaver in front of a window. The house is indicative of an affluent occupant. The man is Younis's father. He is divorced and looked after by his sister Nafsika. The man gets dressed and takes one last look at the boy's empty room before he leaves the home. Younis with his mother and a kite are at the provincial town. They arrive at the big deserted square. There's a morning fitness program on the radio, and the boy begins to work out. (A TOWN IN MESOLOGGI – BACK ALLEYS – ANTONIOU'S HOUSE- HELIPORT – THE HOUSE OF YOUNIS'S FATHER – A SQUARE IN A PROVINCIAL TOWN IN MESOLOGGI)
3. YOUNIS'S FATHER GIVES A GIRL FROM HOLLAND A LIFT IN HIS CAR, WHILE ANTONIOU CARRIES ON WITH HER LONELY LIFE IN MESOLOGGI WITH HER SON The same fitness program is heard on the radio in a car cruising along the Athens-Corinth motorway. It's a big black Mercedes driven by Younis's father. A tourist in a mini skirt is thumbing a lift. She is going to Patras. The man is going to Rio. They drive past the oil refinery. The man tries to guess the girl's nationality. She says she is Dutch and this is the first time she came to Greece. She looks at Younis's picture with the caption: "Daddy, do not speed". He explains that he is divorced and his ten-year-old son lives with his mother. It's Mesologgi. Younis and his mother are in a central restaurant. A talkative woman, spokesperson for the local intelligentsia, invites the woman to a literary event where Alkis Thrylos will make a speech. When questioned about the name, the woman explains that it is actually a woman's pen-name. Two gipsy kids with a tambourine walk up to their table. In the car, the Dutch, whose name is Anna, tells the man that she is a philosophy student. The touch upon his relationship with his ex-wife: they were divorced because he was neglecting her. Younis and his mother and the big kite go to the countryside. (THE ATHENS-CORINTH MOTORWAY – A SWEET SHOP IN MESOLOGGI – THE COUNTRYSIDE)
4. YOUNIS' S FATHER AND ANNA STOP OVER AT THE ISTHMUS OF CORINTH, WHILE ANTONIOU FLIES A KITE WITH YOUNIS AND RECALLS THE BEAUTIFUL FAMILY MOMENTS In the man's car. At the tolls post. They stop over at the Isthmus of Corinth and the man gives the girl some relevant information: "The Isthmus shortens the travel distance to the Adriatic Sea by 200 miles". They walk over the bridge. A guide gives a group of tourists some information on the local history:" The earliest attempt to build the canal was by Nero in 67 A.D.; Vespasianus dispatched 6,000 slaves from the Judea to be assigned to the task". Younis and his mother roam around the meadows in bloom. They fall about with laughter. The woman recalls happy family scenes when Younis was a baby. (THE ISTHMUS OF CORINTH– THE MEADOW – A HOUSE)
5. YOUNIS'S FATHER AND ANNA STOP OVER AT THE BEACH AND HAVE A FLIRTATION, WHILE YOUNIS IS COMPLAINING TO HIS MOTHER ABOUT GOING TO ATHENS WITH HIS FATHER. Anna asks the man to go for a swim. They pull over at a deserted beach. The Dutch takes off her clothes and dives into the water. The man won't follow her. Instead, he confines himself to pulling up his trousers and splashing his feet at the seaside. Younis's kite is up in the sky. The boy is complaining because his father is coming to take him to Athens with him. His mother says that she will take time off work and visit him. Younis rushes to the kite that is losing height. A squadron of supersonic planes flies in formation overhead. The military parade in Panepistimiou Street for the anniversary celebration of the 25th March. There are crowds of people attending the parade. Missiles and armoured vehicles. There is a running commentary on the parade on the radio. (THE BEACH – A MEADOW – STREETS OF ATHENS)
6. YOUNIS'S FATHER HAS SEXUAL INTERCOURSE WITH ANNA, WHILE A FISHERMAN FLIRTS ANTONIOU Younis with his mother and the slightly torn kite walk by the sea. They head for the bench on a platform sticking out into water. Anna asks the man about his job. He runs a fitness and slimming studio: (flashback to pictures of women in the gym and sauna. They talk about sauna and massage while Anna is stroking him. They stop. They lie down in the countryside. They kiss passionately. A deserted seaside scenery. In the distance, there is a secluded little tavern with a roofed space. Younis is still holding onto his torn kite. They sit quietly at a table with a view of the lagoon and have their meal. A fisherman comes ashore and sits at a table next to them. Younis eyes him inquisitively. (THE COUNTRYSIDE – A FITNESS STUDIO – A SMALL SEASIDE TAVERN)
7. FLASHBACK TO THE DAY THE COUPLE SEPARATED In the car, the man and the Dutch tourist are quiet. She is fixing his hair. A police motorcycle with the siren wailing is approaching them at lightning speed. (Flashback: An ambulance siren. The man is calling the hospital worriedly to ask if a Mrs. Kosma and a small child have been taken in. Scenes from the hospital). The man drives increasingly fast. The girl grows resentful. He explains that he is late and the girl laughs at his haste. (A MOTORWAY – A HOSPITAL - HOME)
8. THE FISHERMAN FLIRTS WITH ANTONIOU, YOUNIS SAYS GOODBYE TO HIS MOTHER AND MESOLOGGI, ANTONIOU RECALLS HER WEDDING At the secluded little tavern, the fisherman goes to a jukebox. Younis walks up to him inquisitively. The man tells him to press the buttons. The record lands on the turntable: "You wait, the day is over, never to come back": a song of the new wave music genre. Younis's mother is still pensive and quiet. The three of them exchange glances. Younis returns to their table and tells his mother that he doesn't want to go to Athens. He reassures him and promises to see him at Easter. The fisherman pays and leaves. A girl is pulling a small mule across the sand. The woman lights a cigarette. She takes some pictures out of her bag (flashback: she is in her husband's arms; he talks about real estate transactions: his plot will yield 300 thousand drachmas in a year. Everybody buys plots of land by the sea these days. The will open a studio. The woman refuses to quit her job now that she has become a permanent employee). (A SMALL SEASIDE TAVERN – ATHENS – FITNESS STUDIO)
9. YOUNIS' FATHER DIVORCES WITH ANNA UNDER AN ATMOSPHERE OF TENSION In the car: Anna asks the man if he knows Joan Baez, but he doesn't. He tells her that he cannot take her as far as Patras. The girl flies into a rage and gets out of the car in the first instance, before they get to Rio. They make the effort to part in a civilized manner. As he drives off, Anna mutters to herself "bourgeois". (A MOTORWAY - RIO)
Fornecedor: Tainiothiki tis Ellados
Direitos: In Copyright
Companhia produtora: MALTE FILM
Tipo de documento:
Colecção: Ψηφιοποιημένες ελληνικές ταινίες μυθοπλασίας