In a rural workshop an old man hand turns and shapes wood to make a spinning wheel.
1 - Roma
2 - veduta aerea diurna di piazza san Pietro, sorvolo della basilica di san Pietro, suono di campane a distesa
3 - veduta aerea diurna di Roma: castel sant'Angelo, fiume Tevere, ...
I. 'WATCH ROUMANIA. King Ferdinand holds a great review demonstrating that the Roumanian Armies are intact. With King Ferdinand of Rumania are General Berthelot and M. Thomas, French Minister of Munit...
Members of 2/3rd County of London Yeomanry (Sharpshooters) compete fencing on horseback. Others take part in a "Victoria Cross race", rowing small coracles across a stream. This is followed by a sword...
(Reel 1) The film opens with unrelated scenes of the Western Front, mainly the Marne and Château-Thierry areas. Then Theodore Roosevelt beside the grave of his son Quentin. Behind-the-lines scenes of...