Heinrich George (left), Theodor Loos (front, second from left), Fritz Lang (from behind), Alfred Abel (front center), Fritz Rasp (right next to Abel) while shooting "Metropolis" (1926)
Datum vytvoření: 1925/1926
Popis: Heinrich George (left), Theodor Loos (front, second from left), Fritz Lang (from behind), Alfred Abel (front center), Fritz Rasp (right next to Abel) while shooting "Metropolis" (1926)
Klíčová slova: Heinrich George / Theodor Loos / Fritz Lang / Alfred Abel / Fritz Rasp
Poskytovatel: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Práva: In Copyright / Horst von Harbou - Deutsche Kinemathek
Typ dokumentu: Set photo