Videobotschaft zu "He Ran All The Way" ("Steckbrief 7-73 ", USA 1951) anlässlich der "Carte Blanche"-Reihe von Christian Petzold im DFF - Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum, Frankfurt am Main im...
Jeder kennt Schlagerhits wie "Marmor, Stein und Eisen bricht", doch fast niemand kennt den Mann hinter den Liedern: Christian Bruhn hat über 2.500 Titel für Sängerinnen und Sänger, für Kino und F...
In September 1903 the ferry line between Gedser in Denmark and Warnemünde in Germany was opened. The images are from the opening of the route which included King Christian IX, Grand Duke Friedrich-Fr...
Power si affaccia dalla finestra del posto di comando dell'aereo
Power è accolto dalla folla di fan che lo attendeva all'aereoporto
1 - la Christian passeggia con una amica per la strada
La coppia passeggia in giardino
1 - la Christian gioca con il cane e gli da del cibo
2 - la Christian nell' atelier delle sorelle Fontana
3 - l'attrice ammira l'abito che le stiliste st...
Kongefamilien, med kong Christian X og dronning Alexandrine i spidsen, ankommer til Odense ombord på kongeskibet Dannebrog. Officiel modtagelse. Odenseanske børn venter på de kongelige foran bygnin...
Still with Udo Lutz (in the front on the left), Frank Christian Marx (in the front on the right), Sascia Haj (in the back on the right)
Christian Berkel (on the left), Esther Schweins (on the right), Tayfun Bademsoy (front) in "Business As Usual - Die Angst fliegt mit" (2013)
Siegfried Kamml (producer), Christiane Paul, Carlo Thoma, Christian Alvart (director & producer), Emily Kusche, Christoph Krauss (director of photography), Wotan Wilke Möhring (from left to right) on...
Christian Kuchenbuch, Axel Wandtke, Hildegard Schmahl, Stephan Grossmann, Ronald Kukulies, Alexander Hörbe, Bruno Ganz, Stefan Haschke, Thomas Bading, Pit Bukowski, Thorsten Merten, ?, Sophie Pfennig...
Christoph Friedel (Pandora Film), Barbara Buhl (WDR), Albrecht Schuch, Carla Juri, Christian Schwochow (director), Roxane Duran, Claudia Steffen (Pandora Film), Petra Müller (Film- und Medienstiftung...
Klaus Brücher-Herpel, Michael Fengler, Laurens Straub, Harry Baer (back left to right), Hark Bohm, Assistentin Renate Kapuste, Christian Friedl, Thomas Schamoni (sitting left to right), Volker Vogele...
Screenplay (excerpt) of "Frucht ohne Liebe".