Short silent crime film about a man who is sent away by his wife. He joins a group of bandits who are aiming to make an express train derail. Coincidentally, his daughter finds herself in a goods wago...
A short, silent romantic drama about a count who goes to work in a New York restaurant because of his money problems. When his daughter, who knows nothing about the situation, comes to eat in the same...
Following the death of his daughter, baker Grabosch is heartbroken when his only granddaughter Mathilda is about to live with her polish father Tadeuzs. In order gain custody of Mathilda, he wants to ...
Statkář Matula odchází prodat dobytek na výroční trh. Loučí se s manželkou a dcerou. Večer se po partičce karet ubytuje v hospodě. Když usne, vloudí se hospodský do jeho pokoje a okrad...
Julius Neubronner (1852-1932), a chemist and inventor from Kronberg was one of the first people to film in the Rhine-Main region. In 1903 he acquired his first film camera, an Ernemann "Kino" for 17.5...
After many years of working as a seaman, Andreas (Nikos Xanthopoulos) returns to his island in order to clear his dead father’s name, pay off his debts and take back the family fishing boat. Giannis...
A hard-working young man, Stathis (Stathis Psaltis)lives with his uncle and his aunt (Nikos Rizos and Despoina Stylianopoulou). He finds many things in life and society objectionable, and as a result,...
Afroditi (Kali Kalo), when her husband leaves on a trip, goes out with another man. The husband, on the other hand, is in love with the daughter of a family friend (Koulis Stoligkas) and sends in his ...
Ferdinand Diehl (center), his daughter Monika and Director of photography Jans Schmid (right) while shooting "Mecki stellt sich vor" (1952)
V soudní síni stojí Toník (Miloš Vávra), Rozárka (Božena Plecitá) s gestem ruky proti soudci, Valenta (Vojtěch Záhořík), který ji drží za ramena. Za stolem stojí soudce (Alois Škrdl...
u restauračních stolů sedí muži a ženy
"Maharadža Mamlas Bej jede automobilem kolem farmy Raula Dusotila. V polích za farmou přepadne se svými sluhy dceru Dusotilovu (Rapsodii) a odváží si ji v autu domů. Dusotil povolá detektiva ...
Lilka (Zdena Kavková) stojí v jedoucím autě. Za ní je vidět silnice a les.
Za stolem sedí Růžička a má na sobě tmavý oblek s košilí. Vedle něj sedí Marwille.