A young artist (Nikos Tzogias) comes back to his homeland, Mystra, where he falls in love with the daughter (Irene Papas) of a family that has a vendetta with his family. The girl’s father (Giannis ...
A seaman (Giorgos Kampanellis) falls in love with the daughter (Marianna Kourakou) of the shipowner (Giannis Argyris) he works for. The shipowner refuses to allow the two to marry until a tempest prov...
Elsa is a beautiful and prudent young woman, the daughter of a well-known building contractor named Karanikas. She is in love with Dimitris, a poor artist who resists the pressure from her father, who...
Michalios (Kostas Chatzichristos) joins the Special Forces pretending to be his cousin in order to fulfill his army duty (Stavros Paravas). When the truth is revealed, the commander (Vasilis Avlonitis...
Paraskevas (Lampros Konstantaras), trying to avoid boredom, pretends to be a lieutenant who had gone missing during the war. He lies and bluffs until his friends introduce him to a girl (Xenia Kaloger...
Telis Birkas, an industrialist and woman-lover, would like to make his worthy and hard-working clerk, Dinos (Ntinos Iliopoulos), his son-in-law, but his capricious daughter Angela prefers lady killers...
A wealthy captain is trying everything to annul his daughter’s marriage with a poor young lad. She doesn’t listen to him and follows her heart to the end.
Andreas is a robust and successful businessman. However, he suspects that his wife, Christina, is having an affair with the author Alexis Romanos, who is an old friend and fellow-student of his. Despi...
Ferdinand Diehl (center), his daughter Monika and Director of photography Jans Schmid (right) while shooting "Mecki stellt sich vor" (1952)
V soudní síni stojí Toník (Miloš Vávra), Rozárka (Božena Plecitá) s gestem ruky proti soudci, Valenta (Vojtěch Záhořík), který ji drží za ramena. Za stolem stojí soudce (Alois Škrdl...
u restauračních stolů sedí muži a ženy
"Maharadža Mamlas Bej jede automobilem kolem farmy Raula Dusotila. V polích za farmou přepadne se svými sluhy dceru Dusotilovu (Rapsodii) a odváží si ji v autu domů. Dusotil povolá detektiva ...
Lilka (Zdena Kavková) stojí v jedoucím autě. Za ní je vidět silnice a les.
Za stolem sedí Růžička a má na sobě tmavý oblek s košilí. Vedle něj sedí Marwille.