This film records the important and varied role that the camera can play in the modern educational process.
An official record of the Bo'ness Fair in 1974, filmed between 22nd - 28th June.
Joan Dickson, a cellist, demonstrates bowing principles for string players.
Short excerpt from a five-part series about the daily work on the farm. The clip briefly shows a manure wagon, followed by running piglets that are afterwards fed on the yard.
Der arbeitslose Jurist und Familienvater David nimmt notgedrungen einen Job an, der ihm auf moralischer Ebene eigentlich zuwider ist: Er soll eine Firma "liquidieren". Im Klartext bedeutet d...
The essay film shows in a kind of stream of thoughts the most different things and concepts, both abstract and concrete, in the typical style of Alexander Kluge. He shows elephants during the evacuati...
This documentary film is the portrait of four men who all made their money by lying and cheating, obtained their clients′ confidence by fraud, or by imposture. One of the four men "befriend...
Das durchgängig auf Video aufgenommene Drama erzählt die Geschichte zweier befreundeter Paare, die sich – jeweils ohne das Wissen des Partners – über Kreuz verabreden und dann unvorherg...
Alexander Fehling, Robert Hunger-Bühler (from left to right) in "Im Labyrinth des Schweigens" (2013/14)
Alexander Hick
Sophie Scholl - Die letzten Tage (2005)
Alexander Mindadze
Alexander Scheer
"Crossing the Bridge. The Sound of Istanbul" (2004/05)
Alexander Biedermann
Alexander Kleider