Drei lose miteinander verknüpfte Geschichten aus dem heutigen Algerien: Eine Geschichte handelt von einer jungen Frau, die in einer arrangierten Verbindung einen deutlich älteren Mann heiraten soll....
The video shows the first five minutes of the film. Film synopsis: The sailor Freddy is on the run: In Genoa, he was involved in a drunken stabbing that left one person dead. Now Freddy is wanted by t...
The video shows the first five minutes of the film.
We Are Next of Kin Film adaptation of the autobiographical novel of the same name by Johann Scheerer, in which he describes the kidnapping of his father Jan Philipp Reemtsma in 1996 from the perspecti...
Bastian, a 20-year old concrete worker apprentice from Wismar, commits a murder - he nearly randomly kills a homeless person. Nobody would get on to Bastian′s track, particularly as the police i...
The Fourth State Berlin-based journalist Paul Jensen experiences a life crisis. He flees to Moscow, where his mentor Alexej Onjegin wants him to relaunch a struggling tabloid. Covering the glamorous l...
Taking the Apple iPhone as an example, the documentary investigates the conditions under which today's smart phones are produced. This leads the filmmakers on a journey around half the world: Hamburg,...
Maria Simon (left) in "Der Zeuge" (2022)
Lina Wendel (front) in "Der Zeuge" (2022)
Lina Wendel, Thomas Schuch, Andrej Kaminsky, Jörg Seyer (front row, left to right), Bernd Michael Lade (vorne rechts) in "Der Zeuge" (2022)
Lina Wendel, Thomas Schuch, Andrej Kaminsky, Jörg Seyer (front row, 1.-4. left to right), Bernd Michael Lade (from behind) in "Der Zeuge" (2022)
Bernd Michael Lade in "Der Zeuge" (2022)
Maria Simon (left) in "Der Zeuge" (2022)
German movie poster of "Der Zeuge"
Bernd Michael Lade (center) in "Der Zeuge" (2022)