Der Schut ist ein grausamer Verbrecher, der mit seiner Bande im Balkan Angst und Schrecken verbreitet. Der Abenteurer Kara Ben Nemsi und sein treuer Freund Hadschi Halef Omar sind gerade unterwegs dur...
The video shows the first five minutes of the film.
The video shows the first five minutes of the film.
"Voruntersuchung" was digitized by Friedrich-Wilhelm-Murnau-Stiftung as part of the film heritage funding program "Förderprogramm Filmerbe" (F...
The video shows the first five minutes of the film. Film synopsis: A young couple, Peter Winkler and his fiancée Hella, live at the pension "Splendide" together with a group of other guests who all l...
Abenteuerfilm nach Karl May: Mexiko 1864. Der französische Kaiser Napoleon III hat Erzherzog Maximilian von Österreich zum Kaiser ausrufen lassen. Es herrscht Bürgerkrieg. Rebellen kämpfen dafür,...
Firenze: uomini in costumi medievali
1 - discorso dell'onorevole Montini sull'assistenza agli indigenti
2 - bambini applaudono
Jowa: collaudo di modellino di astronave
Roma: arrivo...
Fred Ritter, Robert Siodmak (left to right) at the 5th Berlin International Film Festival 1955 (world premiere of "Die Ratten")
Ruth Leuwerik, Robert Siodmak while shooting "Dorothea Angermann" (1959)
Hans Hass, Dawn Addams, Robert Siodmak, Fürst Vittorio Massimo (v.l.n.r.) at the premiere of "Die Ratten" (1955) in Rom
Heidemarie Hatheyer, Robert Siodmak while shooting "Die Ratten" (1955)
Robert Siodmak, Maria Schell on the occasion of the premiere of "Die Ratten" at the 5th Berlin International Film Festival 1955
Maria Schell, Robert Siodmak on the occasion of the premiere of "Die Ratten" at the 5th Berlin International Film Festival 1955
Robert Siodmak, Gregory Peck (left to right) while shooting "The Great Sinner" (US 1948)
Nadja Tiller, Robert Siodmak, Pierre Brasseur (left to right) while shooting "L'affaire Nina B." (FR, 1961)
English dialogue list (excerpt)for "Kampf um Rom. 2. Teil: Der Verrat", with handwritten annotations by Robert Siodmak.
English dialogue list (excerpt) for "Kampf um Rom. 1. Teil" , with handwritten annotations by Robert Siodmak.