Im Haus der Familie Hartmann ist mächtig was los: Es beginnt damit, dass Mutter Angelika nach dem Besuch eines Flüchtlingsheims beschlossen hat, den afrikanischen Asylbewerber Diallo aufzunehmen, se...
16 lange Jahre saß Harms im Knast. Nun kommt er endlich frei und kehrt in sein einstiges Revier zurück. Von einem Neuanfang kann keine Rede sein, Harms will genau da weitermachen, wo er vor 16 Jahre...
I. Todor Zhivkov, chairman of the Council of Ministers, shakes hands with cultural figures. Pavel Matev, T. Zhivkov are speaking. Speeches by Filip Kutev, Dechko Uzunov. T. Zhivkov and Julia Viner. Ac...
Marios (Dimitris Zakynthinos) becomes the target of Elena and Mike (Elena Nathanail and Nikos Verlekis), two industrial spies who plan to steal his patent for a solar energy gathering machine. Marios ...
Coverage of the 10th Pilgrimage of the Yser in Diksmuide. All pelgrims gathering at the central market square and around the Yser Tower to commemorate the Flemish military victims of the First World W...
ESPANYA AL DIA [SPAIN TODAY], Laya Films newsreel produced during the Spanish Civil War made up of the following news reports: 1. BENEFICÈNCIA. ELS AMICS ANGLESOS Images of children collecting mi...
Emilia and Villalba (Margarita Xirgu and Ricardo Puga) have had a happy marriage until the murder of the prostitute Lilí casted a shadow over it. Her brother, Augusto, is accused of the crime and sen...
21st December 1918. Welcome of the President T.G. Masaryk by volunteers on Old Town Square. Next to the President Masaryk stands František Tomášek (in the hat) - the Head of Parliament.
21st December 1918. Welcome of the President T.G. Masaryk by volunteers on Old Town Square. Next to the President Masaryk stands František Tomášek (without the hat) - the Head of Parliament.
A documentary part: Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk speaks to the people on Wenceslas Square in Prague.
21st December 1918. Welcome of the President T.G. Masaryk by volunteers on Old Town Square.
Welcome of the President T.G. Masaryk after his arrival in the country. On the monument of Jan Hus is a banner with the slogan "People of Jan Hus".
a terracing with guest watching the exercises of the festival gathering
A documentary part: First days of the independent Czechoslovak Republic - František Udržal speaks to the gathering of people in front of the monument of Jan Hus.
ceremonial gathering to unveiling of the monument