Film about a newly engaged French couple that becomes seperated because of the First World War. The young man departs for the front and leaves his fiancée behind. When he is injured, he returns to th...
The film starts with Griffith talking to the abbot and another monk outside the Cistercian abbey at Mont des Cats, used as a casualty clearing station. Griffith is then shown with two British officers...
(Reel 3) The episode starts with the figure 'Justice', which fades out. The captioning is outspoken. "We show you in this episode how extreme were the sufferings of those brave men who went with throb...
(Reel 25) The episode starts with 'Justice'. The opening states that this was "the great final offensive, in which the whole might of Britain's arms was concentrated, with an overwhelming force, upon ...
The film is a dramatized documentary, a study that revives life at Spinalogka, the exile of the lepers. We watch romantic and emotional adventures, ideological and sentimental conflicts featuring the ...
Das Video zeigt die ersten fünf Minuten des Films. Filminhalt: Während eines kurzen Heimaturlaubs in Berlin sieht der junge Fliegeroffizier Paul Wendlandt die berühmte Varieté-Sängerin Hanna Holb...