View of Colares and its region. The manufacture of Colares’ wine. Adraga beach. Maçãs beach. The Maçãs beach tram. Azenhas do Mar.
Documentary film on the Works and daily life in Lisbon Harbour: transit of passengers, ships, cargo.
The labor of sardine: fishermen at sea, patching of the fishing nets, casting and drawing of the nets.
The President of the Republic Manuel de Arriaga and his delegation walk through the wharf of Cais do Arsenal. Images of the british RMS Durham Castle ship transporting troops to Mozambique.
The visit of the President of the Republic to the city council of Lisbon: arrival in carriage, a parade of a unit of infantry force in colonial campaign outfit.
Train arrival to Sintra’s station. Views of the village: palaces and main buildings.
Views of the city of Guimarães. Upon today’s knowledge, only the image (incomplete) subsists.
Film frame
Film frame
Film frame
Set photo.
Film frame
Article on the director’s position in the Portuguese film industry and on his joining the Empresa Leitão.
On the use of portable projectors for home sessions and as an aid to education.
Notes on the film productions of the daily newspaper “Diário de Notícias”.
Announcement of the foundation of Portugália Film, its goals and ambitions.
On the celebration of the 3rd anniversary of the film magazine and the programm presented at Salão Trindade.
On the installation of Empresa Leitão and the production company’s starting activities with references to its first film.
Commentary on the exhibition of the group of 12 films of the series ‘Portugal pittoresco e monumental’.
Notes on the film and its thematics.