The city of Torres Vedras, its people and monuments.
The opening of an agriculture and industrial exhibition in Torres Vedras, in the presence of two Ministers. Images of the exhibition and participation of Portugal’s first group of scouts.
The Lucala falls, Congo, Camabatela, Uíge, Kwanza River near the Dondo, Quibala and Bailundo, Ruacaná falls in the Cunene River in Angola’s south border.
Preparations in Lisbon for the departure of Gago Coutinho and Sacadura Cabral for the South Atlantic aerial crossing, from Lisbon to Rio de Janeiro.
The film depicts the traditions of Mozambique's local people: cereals milling, fire, ceramics, basketry, weaving, gold demand, native dances and masquerade.
Views of Terceira Island, Azores: streets, public buildings, Castle of S. João Baptista, military parade in remembrance of the Battle of the Lys, the Holy Spirit fest, Pipas Harbour …
Incomplet. A huge crowd attends a bullfight in a Doze Ribeiras parish square, located in the Angra do Heroísmo municipality in the Terceira Island, Azores. Some people defy the bull.
Conference held in Palácio da Bolsa, Oporto. Views of the opening of the Public Works Exhibition in the same building and mess at the city’s cathedral.
film frame
film frame
film frame of the above mentioned film.
A page of Ernesto de Albuquerque's photo album.
Portrait of the film director.
film frame
Article on the director’s position in the Portuguese film industry and on his joining the Empresa Leitão.
On the use of portable projectors for home sessions and as an aid to education.
Notes on the film productions of the daily newspaper “Diário de Notícias”.
Announcement of the foundation of Portugália Film, its goals and ambitions.
On the celebration of the 3rd anniversary of the film magazine and the programm presented at Salão Trindade.
On the installation of Empresa Leitão and the production company’s starting activities with references to its first film.
Commentary on the exhibition of the group of 12 films of the series ‘Portugal pittoresco e monumental’.
Notes on the film and its thematics.