Unedited footage. Exercises and activities of the Guarda Nacional Republicana: on horse, combat simulation actions with machine guns and rifles, musical band.
Incomplet film on a religious procession from Lisbon to Fátima (Shrine of Fatima in the centre of Portugal).
Incomplet footage of Evora.
Naval parade in Lisbon.
Incomplet. Buildings and monuments in the city of Coimbra: Museum Machado de Castro, the ancient Episcopal Palace, University, Sala dos Capelos, portico of the University’s chapel, Cathedral, Old Ca...
Upon today’s knowledge, only the image subsists.
Observations on bull power utilization in the agriculture labor in Ribatejo.
The 4th football match between Portugal and France, held in Paris (Stade de Colombes) in 24th March 1929.
Film frame
Film frame
Film frame
Set photo.
Film frame
Report of a visit to the film company facilities, notes on its activities
News on the 2nd meeting of the camera operator’s association to develop the creation of a class union.
Notes on the founding of a new portuguese film company, Lusitânia Film, its facilities and purposes.
News of the arrival of a Pathé film operator to complement Gaumont’s unit work in portraying the country.
Notes on the film 'A revolução de Lisboa' (Ernesto de Albuquerque, 1918) and on its subject matter.
Notes on the film on the escalation of Basílica da Estrela in Lisbon.
Notes on the use of instructional and training films during World War I. The example of a film produced by Bray Studios.
News on the foundation of the film company and its goal of equaling its counterparts.