Steamers, paddles steamers and naval vessels on the river and some of the Clyde shipyards including John Brown's and Fairfields.
Follows the children of Nairn Marshall getting into trouble around the house on Christmas Eve.
A warm-hearted little tale of a boy's determination to get an ice-cream, helped by his pet dog.
Various scenes of Glasgow including Glasgow University, the Cathedral, Sauchiehall Street, Singer's factory, John Brown's shipyard and Hampden Park football stadium.
Life on Lewis in the Western Isles; herring fishing, cutting peat and crofting.
A children's Christmas Eve and Christmas morning. [An amateur prize-winning film of 1937].
The story of two children who visit a farm with their mother and get into all kinds of mischief. Commended at the 7th Scottish Amateur Film Festival 1940.
A comedic tale, set in the home of a wealthy family, recounting the events, misfortunes and coincidences of a dark Friday the 13th night.