Steamers, paddles steamers and naval vessels on the river and some of the Clyde shipyards including John Brown's and Fairfields.
Following the River Clyde from its upper reaches down to the Firth.
The river from source to sea; farming and fruit-growing in the Lanarkshire countryside and the river's traditions of heavy industry and shipbuilding.
A trip down the Clyde by passenger steamer to Millport including footage of the Cowal Games, Dunoon, Rothesay and the Isle of Arran.
An extensive journey along the River Clyde, detailing the attractions on offer from Largs to Lanarkshire.
The story of the building and fitting-out of the Cunard liner "Queen Elizabeth II", with delays being blamed on all sides by all sides.
Using music and images the history of the people of Glasgow set against scenes of demolition, unemployment and industrial wasteland.
The welding process and manufacture of pipe fittings are shown in the Clyde Tube Forgings on Hillington Industrial Estate.