Szene mit Gert Fröbe, Hildegard Knef (2.v.r.), Hilde Hildebrand (rechts)
Lino Ventura (links), Wolfgang Staudte (2.v.r.) bei den Dreharbeiten
German movie poster of "Die Dreigroschenoper" (1962/63)
Szene mit Lino Ventura (vorne links), Gert Fröbe (vorne rechts)
June Ritchie, Curd Jürgens, Wolfgang Staudte (v.l.n.r.) (Dreharbeiten)
There is no information about any kind of restriction.
Censurní sbor poradní (Censor Advisory Board) suggested qualifying the film "Die Dreigroschenoper" for public screening - ban for young people.
Kinematograph, 173/24
The film "Die 3-Groschen- Oper" was permitted by the censorship office in Berlin (Film-Prüfstelle Berlin) with age restriction (only for adults 18 years of age or older) and cuts (original length 309...