After a life of camera-catching of stormy events around the world, Daniel seeks peace of mind in life as a wedding photographer, recording a small town's romantic highlights. He falls in love with viv...
A female artist is troubled that she cannot finish her painting of the wandering Jew Ahasuerus. So she sends her obedient husband to find a model. After a careful search the husband eventually finds s...
Eheschauspiel (deutsch) nach dem
After a long absence, famous pianist Zetterstrøm returns from New York to his native Copenhagen on the occasion of a gala concert. A perfectionist by nature, he has one major personal flaw; he has lo...
Her dream was to make it big in Jamaica as a reggae artist. It finally came true, but not in the way she had hoped.In the beginning of 2008 she hit the number one spot on Billboard's Hot Dance Chart w...
The repatriation of the body of Queen Astrid after her fatal car accident in Switzerland.
Educational film about Belgium's reconstruction programme after World War Two.
Documentary made in Sweden for Belgian audiences after the sudden death of Queen Astrid.
I 80'erne var Alex en del af duoen Pop, der kæmpede med Wham og Duran Duran om en hel generations opmærksomhed. I dag er de bare et halvglemt kapitel af musikhistorien og Alex' optrædener begrænse...