Fotis is in love with Bilio, a last-year student at a provincial high-school, and serenades her frequently. Bilio’s teacher, Platon Papadakis, is also in love with her, but besides serenading her, h...
Daryl McCormack in "The Lesson" (2023)
Daryl McCormack in "The Lesson" (2023)
Daryl McCormack, Richard E. Grant (left to right) in "The Lesson" (2023)
Richard E. Grant in "The Lesson" (2023)
German movie poster of "The Lesson" (2023)
Julie Delpy in "The Lesson" (2023)
Stephen McMillan, Daryl McCormack (left to right) in "The Lesson" (2023)
Julie Delpy, Daryl McCormack (left to right) in "The Lesson" (2023)