Report on the funeral of Queen Astrid, preceded by a compilation of important moments in her life.
Reportage over de begrafenis van koning Albert, eindigend met de intrede van koning Leopold III. De reportage begint met een aantal marcherende soldaten op een plein. Sfeerbeelden van fietsers, gedeco...
Report on the 9th Flemish Nationalist Singalong
Unfinished report about a cycle race at Brussels's Palais des Sports.
Reportage over de Nederlandstalige Vlaamse sportkrant die tegenwoordig als dagelijkse katern bij het populaire dagblad Het Nieuwsblad zit. SportWereld was een initiatief van Léon van den Haute en wer...
Documentary that dissects the judicial system with fictional scenes.
Documentary that dissects the judicial system with fictional scenes.
1 - un uomo mostra delle fotografie ad una donna che siede accanto a lui
2 - immagini delle riproduzioni dei disegni antichi dei primi modelli di treni e locomotive
3 - immagini dei disegni ...
Giardini del Quirinale: uomini politici e personalità della cultura nei giardini del Quirinale durante il ricevimento per festeggiare il 2 giugno
1 - tra gli altri invitati, Palmiro Togliatti e ...
News item covering a patriotic march in the city centre of Brussels.
Promotional documentary on missionary work in Belgian Congo. Commissioned by the Priests of the Sacred Heart, who are trying to recruit new missionaries for the Belgian colony of Congo.
Report on the funeral of cardinal Mercier.
Short report of a manifestation against the presence of Germans in Belgium, after the war.
Newsreels from August 1944
Newsreels from August 1944
Newsitems West Flanders. Amongst others, an exhibition in the town of De Panne, of which some paintings by Prince Charles of Flanders. In the presence of Mayor Versteele; a floral tribute is being giv...