I. 'THE GUARDS SPORTS: Lifeguards give a demonstration of horse jumping over difficult obstacles, at Windsor'. Showjumping exhibition in an open field; it is raining, and the field is overgrown. The s...
An introductory shot of the Rieger Square in the town of Mšeno is followed by another shot showing a man walking through a rocky pass and carrying a piece of log on his shoulder. From the top of the ...
A party in the garden of Lord Beaverbrook's home at Cherkley Court on 14th July for the journalists and some prominent Canadian politicians. Shown in portrait shot are Sir Edward Kemp, the Canadian Mi...
Not far from the Droucourt-Quéant Switch Line, tanks of 11th Battalion make their way up a gradient in the fog. The leading Mark V Male tank is marked 'Kim' and has a left-handed swastika on its nose...
There is a large crowd with a number of policemen, milling about and uncertain. The captions say they are ignoring pacifist speeches, but this is not obvious.US Navy sailors enter one horse-drawn char...
The Prince and the Dybbuk Documentary film about the Polish-Jewish filmmaker Michał Waszyński, who in the 1930s was one of the most renowned and productive directors in Poland. One of his most fam...
Corporate film for the Stearine Candle Factory in Gouda Corporate film for the Stearine Candle Factory in Gouda, with shots of the building complex and the production process. The film ends with a sho...
Julius Neubronner (1852-1932), a chemist and inventor from Kronberg was one of the first people to film in the Rhine-Main region. In 1903 he acquired his first film camera, an Ernemann "Kino" for 17.5...