Fire drill demonstration by the Sofia fire department. Demonstration of fire estinguishеrs. Parade of Sofia fire department for their holiday, August 2nd. Reenactment of putting out a fire.
General views of the Empire Exhibition in Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, 1938.
Home movie footage of family and children playing in garden of a large house, flying model aircraft, a display at an airfield and shots from an aircraft in flight.
Home movie footage of a family and children playing in garden of a large house, playing tennis, driving cars, swimming in small pool, at the seaside and playing at an outdoor ice rink.
Scenes from various pantomimes and variety shows featuring Harry Gordon, Alec Finlay, Dave Willis, Florrie Ford, and Alec Lennox.
Amateur footage of family life, including holidays in North Berwick and St. Andrews and a visit to the Royal Highland Show.
The Empire Exhibition in Bellahouston Park, Glasgow. Shots of various pavilions, the tower and the dancing waters by night.
The video shows the first five minutes of the film. Films from the National-Socialist period must be considered in the context of state-influenced production and reception. Further informations »
German movie poster of "Das Abenteuer geht weiter" ("Jede Frau hat ein süsses Geheimnis", 1938/39)
"Wer war Hitler" (2017)
"Wer war Hitler" (2017)
Ingrid Bergman in "Die vier Gesellen", 1938 ("Hitlers Hollywood - Das deutsche Kino im Zeitalter der Propaganda 1933-45", 2016/17)
An advertising poster of Bio Deklarace (Prague, Žižkov, Komenského square) from 1938 draws attentention to the screening of the film Poručík "Alexander Rjepkin/Lieutenant Alexander Rjepkin". The ...
Following parts had to be removed:1) In title 3 "Internationale Automobil-Ausstellung 1938" (international automobil-exhibition1938) from the words "Die Gliederungen" (groupings) up to and including "...
Censurní sbor poradní (Censor Advisory Board) suggested qualifying the film for public screening - ban for young people. Representative of the Ministry of Defence (Pelikán, Dr., mjr.) confirmed hi...
Following parts had to be removed:1) 30. Jänner 1938 Reportage2) Dr. Goebbels vor der Hitlerjugend (Dr. Goebbels visiting/by the Hitlerjugend) 3) Vorbeimarsch der Leibstandarte vor dem Führer (The l...