Tonbild zum Duett "Wenn ich im Kampf für dich siege" aus dem ersten Akt von Richard Wagners Oper "Lohengrin". Tonbilder ist die Bezeichnung für frühe Kinofilme mit Synchronton (aufgezeichnet und ab...
The video shows the first five minutes of the film. Part one of the film based on the German myth of the Nibelungen: Young Siegfried was trained be master Mime and is already a skilled armourer, when ...
Version with Dutch intertitles. Germany during World War I. To give the soldiers at the front a little courage to face life, the girls from home regularly send them gifts of love. Wendelin Liebreich, ...
The video shows the first five minutes of the film.
The video shows the first five minutes of the film. Film synopsis: Screen adaptation of Gerhart Hauptmann′s eponymous play: The impoverished weavers are suffering from the exploitative methods of cr...
The story of "Deutschland 83" continues 3 years later in "Deutschland 86", following HVA-Agent Martin Rauch on his endeavours, this time in South Africa, Angola, Libya, Paris, West-Berlin and eventual...
The story of "Deutschland 83" continues 3 years later in "Deutschland 86", following HVA-Agent Martin Rauch on his endeavours, this time in South Africa, Angola, Libya, Paris, West-Berlin and eventual...
The story of "Deutschland 83" continues 3 years later in "Deutschland 86", following HVA-Agent Martin Rauch on his endeavours, this time in South Africa, Angola, Libya, Paris, West-Berlin and eventual...
Expert statement from the Reich Ministry of Interior. Recommendation to ban the film.
The provincial government of Prussia applied for revocation of permission of KAMPF UM BERLIN at the censorship headquarters in Berlin (Film-Oberprüfstelle). The application was partia...
The film "Der Kampf um das Weib" was permitted by the censorship office in Berlin with age restriction (only for adults 18 years of age or older)and cuts (seven scenes were banned).
Censurní sbor poradní (Censor Advisory Board) suggested complete interdiction of the film.
Film distributing company applies for censoring of the film „Der Kampf um Berlin“. The film was completely interdicted.