Shots of the destroyers that participated: the Bouclier, the Magon and the Capitaine Mehl. Officers and crews on a building walkway. The cannons and torpedo-launcher tubes used in the victory are pres...
1. Intertitle: English attempts to block the harbour traffic have failed, as the broad access channel shows. The enemy cruisers that came to assist were sunk already outside the harbour. Image: Coasta...
I. The film is outspoken, "The evidence - both documentary and otherwise - is now ample to prove that Germany forced this great and terrible War upon humanity to secure for herself the domination of t...
(Reel 1) Their work on shore, preparing a mined anti-submarine net - wire splicing, making nets, fitting floats, detonators, etc. Work on the water - Lowestoft drifter loads netting and cable. Two typ...
Medium long shot silhouette off starboard bow of HMS Malaya steaming with guns trained over the beam - the cameraship changes its bearing during the sequence from starboard bow to dead ahead to port b...
The British fleet awaits its visitors - among the attendant ships are Colossus and Bellerophon Class battleships, HMS Neptune, and Warrior and Minotaur Class armoured cruisers. HMS Canada: "A link in ...
Brussels: Victory arch, Manneken Pis, marketplace and theatre; Antwerp: municipality, railway station and harbour; Ghent: canals with historic buildings; Zeebrügge: aerial views of the breakwater and...
Two WRNS in overalls work out of doors under the supervision of a petty officer, one reassembling a stripped Lewis machine gun and the other cleaning a pistol. Indoors, probably the WRNS officers' mes...
Szene mit Alice Dwyer
Alice Dwyer
Jule Böwe
Alice Dwyer, Caroline Peters, Agon Ramadani (v.l.n.r.)
Alice Dwyer
The production company "Torpedo - Film Verleih und Vertrieb G.m.b.H., Dresden" applied against the ban of the film "U-Kreuzer. U-Deutschland. 105 Tage Kreuzerfahrt" at the censorship headquarter in Be...
The production company "Torpedo-Film-Verleih und Vertrieb, Dresden" applied against the ban of the film "Das Geheimnis der U-Deutschland" at the censorship headquarter in Berlin. The application was a...