Wolfgang Preiss
Wolfgang Preiss
Wolfgang Preiss
German movie poster of "Von der Liebe besiegt" (1956)
Gert Fröbe, Wolfgang Preiss (left to right), dubbed by Dominik Kuhn in "Die 1000 Glotzböbbel vom Dr. Mabuse" (2018)
Gert Fröbe, Wolfgang Preiss (left to right), dubbed by Dominik Kuhn in "Die 1000 Glotzböbbel vom Dr. Mabuse" (2018)
Falk Harnack, Wolfgang Preiss (left to right) while shooting "Der 20. Juli" (1955)
Wolfgang Preiss, Falk Harnack, Karl Löb (1st-3rd left to right) while shooting "Der 20. Juli" (1955)
Press information (excerpt) on "Der 20. Juli" and Wolfgang Preiß playing Graf Stauffenberg.