Der junge Amerikaner Casey reist als Rucksacktourist durch Deutschland. Als seine Freundin Juliette erkrankt und Geld für eine überlebenswichtige OP benötigt, springt er als Fahrer für eine Bande ...
Reportage about the baptism of Princess Juliana on June 5, 1909 The film opens with the departure of the Golden coach from Noordeinde Palace. In the carriage are Queen Wilhelmina, Princess Juliana, an...
Ship on fire at the Hietalahti Shipyard. Artist Heikki Nieminen and the Hymypoika (‘Smiling Boy’) sculpture. Unveiling of the portrait of Marshal Mannerheim at the House of Nobility. New railcars ...
Salesmen’s Federation, 60 years: visit to the war memorial, anniversary meeting at the Helsinki School of Economics. Tram and bus collide in Kallio, Helsinki. Mr Gromyko, Deputy Minister for Foreign...
The Tara is a river on the outskirts of the southern Italian industrial city of Taranto, whose waters are believed to have healing powers according to an ancient legend. Bathing in it is a tradition a...
Eran Creevy, Nicholas Hoult (in the middle, from left to right) on the set of "Collide" (2014-16)
Joachim Król in "Collide" (2014-16)
Ben Kingsley in "Collide" (2014-16)
Felicity Jones in "Collide" (2014-16)
Aleksandar Jovanovic, Nicholas Hoult (from left to right) in "Collide" (2014-16)
Nicholas Hoult in "Collide" (2014-16)
Ben Kingsley in "Collide" (2014-16)
Aleksandar Jovanovic in "Collide" (2014-16)