Documentary about the reorganisation of the sewers in Brussels.
"Montage de morceaux d'actualités "Gaumont" concernant l'aviation du début des années '10"
Film on the diversity of habitations in Belgium in the fifties.
Funeral of cardinal Mercier.
Biography of politician Lodewijk De Raet (1870 - 1914).
Documentary on the 20th anniversary of the Symphonic orchestra.
Political promotional film about the great work that was done by the Socialist ministers of the previous government.
Newsreels from September 1949
Newsreels from September 1949
Report on Leopoldville, former capital of Belgian Congo.
Collection of news facts about Belgium shot by Dekeukeleire, commissioned by Gaumont.
Collection of news facts about Belgium shot by Dekeukeleire, commissioned by Gaumont.