A look at the distinctive styles of Scottish architecture which have arisen over the years from Skara Brae to Charles Rennie Mackintosh.
Melodrama over een stel waarbij de man vreemdgaat en de vrouw hem terug moet zien te winnen. Een vrouw smeekt haar man trouw te blijven. Hij kan echter de verleiding niet weerstaan en gaat met een act...
The Maharajah's car arrives at Fifth Army headquarters on 31 July and is greeted by an honour guard. He wears a British Army uniform and a turban. He is shown a 12-inch railway gun firing at Annezin o...
The King (in Field Marshal's uniform) with the Prince of Wales, General Sir William Birdwood and other officers inspects graves, including that of General Maxwell, on the Ypres ridges on 8th December....
The King arrives at Calais and meets various military and civilian dignitaries. He is taken to General Haig's château at Beauquesne where with Haig and the Prince of Wales he meets President PoincarÃ...
The King and Queen arrive in Calais to start the visit. The King inspects war trophies at Bailleul with General Sir Herbert Plumer, then goes on to watch a tank demonstration and talk with a group of ...
Westvlaams filmjournaal - WAF (Westvlaamse Actualiteiten Films). (1) Hulde aan prins Karel overleden op 1 juni 1983. We zien beelden van de prins afkomstig uit de West-Vlaamse Filmjournaals. (1.1) 1...
The King, in Field Marshal's uniform and unaccompanied by other members of the Royal family, arrives at Calais on HMS Whirlwind on 5 August. Three days later he inspects British and US pilots of RAF 1...
Western - Cinema italiano - Scena - Ritratti
Western - Cinema italiano - Scena - Ritratti
Western - Cinema italiano - Scena - Ritratti
Western - Cinema italiano - Scena - Ritratti
Western - Cinema italiano - Scena - Ritratti
Western - Cinema italiano - Scena - Ritratti
Western - Cinema italiano - Set - Backstage - Registi
Western - Cinema italiano - Set - Backstage - Registi