Lost Transport Germany, spring 1945: As British troops approach, prisoners from the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp are being transported to the Theresienstadt concentration camp in the Czech Republi...
Polen, 1944. Kurz vor dem Ende des 2.Weltkriegs rettet der junge polnische Häftling Tomasz mit einer waghalsigen Flucht aus einem Konzentrationslager sich und seiner jüdischen Geliebten Hannah das L...
The Lost Honor of Katharina Blum After celebrating a lively carnival party, the young, single and attractive housekeeper Katharina Blum spends the night with a chance acquaintance. Next morning her ap...
René Böll (Bildender Künstler, Nachlassverwalter seines Vaters Heinrich Böll, Köln) war am 24. Oktober 2017 zu Gast im Deutschen Filmmuseum und sprach über den Film "Die verlorene Ehre der Katha...
Die Supermarktangestellte Ansa und der Bauarbeiter Holappa sind zwei einsame Seelen, die sich eines Abends in einer Karaokebar in Helsinki zufällig über den Weg laufen. Auch wenn die beiden grundver...
Der Frühling ist da, und die Biene Maja erwacht aus dem Winterschlaf – als Erste aus ihrem Bienenstock und voller Abenteuerlust. Während die anderen Bienen noch tief und fest schlafen, treffen Maj...
The Devil's GeneralThe adaptation of the eponymous play by Carl Zuckmayer tells the story of renegade general Harras of the German Luftwaffe, who during WWII openly criticizes the Nazi regime. As a co...
Enno Trebs, Maria Dragus in "Verlorene" (2018)
Clemens Schick in "Verlorene" (2018)
Maria Dragus in "Verlorene" (2018)
Maria Dragus, Anna Bachmann (left to right) in "Verlorene" (2018)
Anna Bachmann, Maria Dragus (left to right) in "Verlorene" (2018)
Maria Dragus in "Verlorene" (2018)
Meira Durand, Anna Bachmann (left to right) in "Verlorene" (2018)
Enno Trebs, Anna Bachmann, Maria Dragus (left to right) in "Verlorene" (2018)
Two assistants applied for revocation of permission of the film "Das verlorene Glück" at the censorship headquarter in Berlin. The application was rejected.
The film "Das verlorene Glück" was permitted by the censorship office in Berlin with age restriction (only for adults 18 years of age or older).
The film "Das verlorene Ich" was banned by the censorship office in Berlin.
Two assistants applied for revocation of permission of the film "Das verlorene Glück" at the censorship headquarter in Berlin. The application was rejected.
The production company "Boston Film Co G.m.b.H., Berlin" applied against the ban of the film "Das verlorene Ich" at the censorship headquarter in Berlin. The application was rejected.
There was not any kind of restriction noted.
There was no kind of restriction noted.