Records a trip to South Africa made by Nat and Nettie McGavin. Includes places such as Port Elizabeth, Cape Town, Sea Point, Pretoria, the Vaal River, Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) and the Victori...
Records a holiday journey through Japan in April - cherry blossom time. Shows peasants working in the fields cultivating tea and young girls diving for pearl oysters. Visits are paid to ancient Shin...
Hollywood by night; sheep farming and harvesting in New Zealand; Sydney bridge and harbour; rice fields in Indonesia; a Chinese wedding and a Fijian home are all included in this film made by Nat and ...
A holiday film in Dornoch in the Highlands, including a visit to Carnaig Cottage and Loch Maree.
A look at life in Harris including its fishing industry and the making of Harris tweed.
Depicts the day to day workings of missionary hospital in Nazareth. Shows the town and surrounding countryside, people at market and at work, details the medical work of medical staff in the hospital...
Harvesting, processing and exporting tea leaves in India, Ceylon, Kenya and Indonesia for McGavins tea factory, with sampling and testing of tea, packaging and cargoes to be shipped across the globe.
A holiday film in Ceylon, with visits to Colombo, and Kandy.
Records a trip to South Africa made by Nat and Nettie McGavin. Includes places such as Port Elizabeth, Cape Town, Sea Point, Pretoria, the Vaal River, Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) and the Victori...
Records a holiday journey through Japan in April - cherry blossom time. Shows peasants working in the fields cultivating tea and young girls diving for pearl oysters. Visits are paid to ancient Shin...
Hollywood by night; sheep farming and harvesting in New Zealand; Sydney bridge and harbour; rice fields in Indonesia; a Chinese wedding and a Fijian home are all included in this film made by Nat and ...
A holiday film in Dornoch in the Highlands, including a visit to Carnaig Cottage and Loch Maree.
A look at life in Harris including its fishing industry and the making of Harris tweed.
Depicts the day to day workings of missionary hospital in Nazareth. Shows the town and surrounding countryside, people at market and at work, details the medical work of medical staff in the hospital...
Harvesting, processing and exporting tea leaves in India, Ceylon, Kenya and Indonesia for McGavins tea factory, with sampling and testing of tea, packaging and cargoes to be shipped across the globe.
Historien er inspireret af virkeligheden og tager sin begyndelse da Melvin en nat samler en forkommen ældre mand op, der hævder at være mangemillionæren Howard Hughes. Derefter fortælles der om M...
To tvillingebrødre, den ene, Gino, en dygtig medicin-studerende, den anden, Nicky, noget langsom i optrækket efter en ulykke i barndommen. Nicky bliver passet af Gino. En dag ser Nicky en dreng bliv...
Ginger and her friend Rosa was born on the same day at the same hospital and here lies the reason for their friendship which they cherish throughout their childhood. Politically, The Cold War is high ...
Fortælling inspireret af de tyske ekspressionistiske film fra 1920'erne. En lille landsby hærges af en ukendt morder, der slår til i skyggerne og tågen. En lille mand, Kleinman, involveres i jagte...
Woody Allen stiller skarpt på parforhold i krise. Ægteparret Judy og Gabe får et chok, da deres bedste venner fortæller, at de vil flytte fra hinanden, og de begynder nu at betragte deres eget for...
Irland og USA i slutningen af det 19. århundrede. To unge mennesker, han fattig og hun rig, er begge besat af drømmen om det forjættede land, Amerika. Efter mange trængsler, kan de sammen starte e...
Lloyd og Harry er ufatteligt dumme, men samtidig meget initiativrige. I deres ærlige iver for at aflevere en mappe til en dame, som de tror har glemt den, efterstræbes de snart af såvel gangstere s...