The German Lesson Film adaptation of the classic novel of the same name by Siegfried Lenz, which deals with the Nazi era and of coming to terms with the most recent history in post-war Germany. The st...
By the seaside, a lady fascinates with her smile two admirers who follow her to the beach. But while she continues to smile with delight, suddenly a male figure appears: it is the woman's husband, who...
Plungė seven-year school's young scouts and their leader Irena Jasinskaitė look at the material about revolutionary Vladas Rekašius which had been collected by the scouts. The scouts found a place ...
Before leaving Pillkallen in East Prussia for Berlin, Schnirpel hides the money he is saving for his daughter Marie in the cushions of his sofa. In his absence, Marie and her fiancé Karl stumble upon...
For what seems like eternity, Will has been playing a green rabbit in an US TV show for children. Despite being talented, he can't seem to get any exciting offers. Moreover, Will's 40th birthday is ig...
The film’s main theme is the temporary affair of a professor of English (Kostas Messaris) with the daughter of a wealthy family, whom he tutors in order for her to marry an English businessman. The ...
The 20th anniversary of pioneer palace in Kaunas. Pioneers bring the flag of pioneer palace in. Speeches of Vice President of the Executive Committee of Kaunas Narkevičiūtė, Director of the pioneer...
Family sends daughters off to school. One of them - Elvyra goes to first grade. Vilnius 5th orphanage‘s first-grade pupils with flowers in the school yard. The school‘s eleventh-grade pupils prese...
Julie Delpy, Daryl McCormack (left to right) in "The Lesson" (2023)
Stephen McMillan, Daryl McCormack (left to right) in "The Lesson" (2023)
Daryl McCormack, Stephen McMillan (v.l.n.r.) in "The Lesson" (2023)