The first part of a short series on the River Clyde, studying the geography, social distribution and industry from the source of the river to the outskirts of Glasgow.
Steamers, paddles steamers and naval vessels on the river and some of the Clyde shipyards including John Brown's and Fairfields.
A television reporter in the Scott-Lithgow shipyard on the Clyde, shortly after the amalgamation of the two companies on 1st January, 1970. The report includes views of the fitting-out basin, welders...
An educational film tracing the history of shipping and the shipbuilding industries on the Clyde estuary.
An extensive journey along the River Clyde, detailing the attractions on offer from Largs to Lanarkshire.
Scenes from the River Clyde including the launch of the "Queen Mary" from John Brown's shipyard and on board the steamer "Empress of Britain".
Following the river Tay showing the countryside and towns situated on its banks.
Dancers demonstrate the various steps of the jig "The River Cree", and then perform the complete dance.