Ursela Monn at the premiere of "Rico, Oskar und das Herzgebreche" on the 17th of May 2015 in the Mathäser cinema, München
Corinna Harfouch at the world premiere of "Was man von hier aus sehen kann" on 12 December 2022 at the ASTOR Film Lounge at ARRI Cinema, Munich
Joachim von Vietinghoff at an audience discussion with Paul Werner Wagner at the Berlin cinema TONI on April 9, 2019
Sunday leisure activities.
Periodical published by the Pan-hellenic Union of Film Industry Employees addressing employment issues in the sector. the article on the “history of the cinema in Greece” on page 23, part 3, is mo...
Periodical published by the Pan-hellenic Union of Film Industry Employees addressing employment issues in the sector. The article on the “history of the cinema in Greece” on page 16, part 4, is mo...
Documentary on the necessity of safeguarding industrial archeological sites in Belgium.
Newsreels from September 1949
Newsreels from September 1949
1500 - Perthes - Cadavre (Ardennes, Champagne-Ardennes)
1807 - Mort-Homme - Cadavre? enlisé? (Cumières-le-Mort-Homme?, Département Meuse, Lorraine)
Verdun - Ravin des vignes (Département Meuse, Lorraine)
Tunnel - Mont Casque (Bataille des Monts, Département Meuse, Champagne)
4312 - Verdun - Voie sacrée (Zone rouge, Département Meuse, Lorraine)
Attaque de Belloy-en-Santerre - 11 Juin 1918 (Département Somme, Picardie)
Mitrailleuse dans l'Aisne
Infanterie traversant l'Ailette pour attaquer (Département Aisne, Picardie)
01 – Visita (Roma, 26/10/1967) Nella basilica di San Pietro, in Vaticano, Papa Paolo VI ed il Patriarca di Costantinopoli Atenagora partecipano a una cerimonia religiosa per avvicinare la chie...
Film restored in collaboration with CNC - Service des Archives du Film.
01 - Cronaca Il servizio inizia con una serie di immagini fotografiche della strage di Piazza della Loggia a Brescia, poi partono le immagini di un comizio antifascista organizzato dai sindacati...
01 – Nel mondo (Borsele, Olanda, 03/07/1979) In Olanda è in atto una manifestazione di protesta davanti alla centrale nucleare di Borsele. La gente protesta con striscioni e cartelli su cui ...
01 – Cinema (Roma, 16/11/1976) Sulle pagine di alcuni quotidiani, articoli che parlano della crisi che sta attraversando il cinema italiano. L'attrice Agostina Belli, sul set cinematografico, ...
Documentary on Luigi Pirandello, with many period images, taken from Pirandello’s piece: "Information on My Unintentional Stay on Earth ".
Newsreel item on the commemoration of the First World War.
A reel that documents activities of early cinema owners in Switzerland, mostly Jean Speck of Zurich