Report on the total devastation and destruction of Nieuwport. Although former streetnames are being mentioned, nothing seems to be recognizable any longer since the complete city is destroyed during t...
The camp Nissen huts show damage from the bombs. The women stand around watching. A view of Abbéville (?) with the smoke rising in the background. (The film is broken here by an unrelated scene of sh...
The Cromwell, a boarding house in London Road, has been hit by a bomb. Firemen work to put out the various fires. The burnt-out firebombs are displayed in a heap by a policeman. A charred dead dog is ...
Scenes of damaged houses and churches, with British troops clearing away the rubble. The first church is late perpendicular with its roof missing, possibly Neuve Eglise. The second church, neo-Norman,...
A pan over the Lady Hardinge War Hospital at Bombay. A stretcher carrying one of the wounded is taken from an ambulance into the hospital.Some of the buildings show bomb damage, and people clear up ou...
Firstly, a column of Infantry marching through a town showing shell damage - the light values have been set wrongly and the film is far too dark. This is followed by British, or possibly Canadian, sol...
I. Transport wagons of 12th (Eastern) Division being driven up a slope and round a corner with a push from waiting soldiers, near Lens, 14th October. II. A dressing station, probably near Zonnebeke. B...
A training exercise on gently rolling slopes begins with 77mm field guns and trench mortars opening the bombardment, joined by light howitzers. An intercut scene of Austro-Hungarian troops walking dow...
Lahingute käigus kahjustatud Kekkau (Kekava) Püha Anna kirik [1916].
Lahingutes viga saanud Kekkau (Kekava) vallamaja.
Lahingutes viga saanud Kekkau (Kekava) apteegihoone.
Lahingutes purustatud Kekkau (Kekava) vesiveski.
Suurtükitule ohvrid M.S.Kuznetsovi portselani- ja fajansivabriku lähedal Riias.
Suurtükitulest kannatada saanud Kurtenhofi (Salaspilsi lähedal) vene õigeusu kirik.
Purustatud veetornid Skierniewice raudteejaamas Lodzi vojevoodkonnas Poolas [1915].
Taastatud raudtteesild Lodzi ligidal Poolas [1915].