The wooden huts of the hospital show various bomb blasts but little fire damage. Four coffins, covered in Union Jacks, are wheeled on trollies by soldiers. A single coffin, also covered with a Union J...
I. (Reel 1) The opening shows a demonstration by a group of soldiers of the correct methods of carrying, wearing, cleaning and removing the gasmask, including running at the double while wearing it. T...
Ambulances in the main square at Marcoing shortly after its capture, 20 November. There is no great damage to the square apart from broken windows, a hall with the sign "Justice de Paix" over it and a...
The first test on 20th July is carried out with a Camel without hydrovanes or external air bags. Flying straight and level the machine glides out over the harbour and tries to belly-land on the water....
(Reel 1) The film starts with close-ups of the baseplate and tube of the Livens Projector. An instructor shows how the bomb is fused and armed. Then a view of two Livens Projectors buried in a trench ...
The village of Ebblinghem under German shellfire, the shells 'walking' towards the target over open fields. French soldiers marching through a crossroads on the outskirts of Amiens watched by idle Bri...
I. 'SOLDIERS V NURSES: The soldier inmates of the Brondesbury Hospital challenge the Nurses to a cricket match, driving down to Wembley on the coaches for the match, which the soldiers won'. The game ...
The film describes the ground as "more than famous - sacred" and the record as having been made "with homage and reverence". It starts with the view about a mile out from Ypres on the Menin Road, faci...
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