Wrecked houses, the result of shell-damage, are shown in the suburbs which were part of the French position. A German trench captured by the French is also shown.
The French forces in the Battle ...
A panorama of the city. Views of the main square taken from the area of Hellfire Corner. The Cloth Hall, most of it still intact. Exterior and interior scenes of the cathedral, showing the west door a...
I. 'KING ALBERT'S CAVALRY: Cavalry keeping fit for the time when their service will be required to drive the Hun invader out of Belgium'. The cavalry are seen in action, galloping uphill and across op...
The department of inventions, studies, and technical experiments on powders and explosives carries out test explosions off Toulon. The technical and scientific team prepares the experiment aboard a bo...
Upon the liberation of Skopje on the 25th September 1918, the cameramen of the Cinematographic section of Photography department of the Serbian Army filmed the town`s appearance, local musical orchest...
1. Intertitle: Bridges destroyed by the enemy are hurriedly repaired. Image: engineers repair a destroyed bridge. 2. Intertitle: Engineers in rubber suits clear the river bed. Image: engineers clear t...
01. Zwischentitel: Die Russische Sabor-Kathedrale in Wilna, deren Glocken die Russen vor ihrer Flucht herausgenommen haben. (9m) 02. Zwischentitel: Rußland: (Tiflis, Kaukasus.) Ansprache und Einse...
Medium shot from the focsle to A and B turrets and bridge - a canvas hatch tent is in the immediate foreground. Starboard barrel of A turret elevates, and port semaphore begins signalling. Camera pans...
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Lahingute käigus purustatud Sala mõisa [aidahoone] sisevaade.
Lahingute käigus purustatud Sala mõisa [aidahoone].
Lahingute käigus purustatud Sala mõisa [aidahoone].
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Lahingute käigus kannatada saanud hoone Marienhofi mõisas Luuga jõe ääres.
Lahingute käigus kannatada saanud hoone Marienhofi mõisas Luuga jõe ääres.