I. 'FUNERAL OF FIREMAN HERO: J.S. Green whose fearless bravery was instrumental in saving 22 lives from a fire caused by a Zeppelin raid on the London District'. Brass-helmetted firemen carry the coff...
Parts of the newsreels from the period of 1914-1918. Major Vojislav Tankosic, whose extradition was requested by the Austro-Hungarian government in the ultimatum sent to Serbia, was filmed smoking a c...
The regimental band plays a tune led by its conductor. Various troopers and civilians watch the sports. A jumping contest - some of the officers wear 'No 1 Blues' uniform and others are in mufti. An o...
The film starts with the four-man aircraft crew posed at the water's side in Kristianiafjord, with the two pilots, Captain S D Scott and Major C J Galpin, in the centre. Their flying-boat, a Felixstow...
The Portuguese officers pose with their British liaison and training staff. A parade ground marchpast, possibly gunners doing formation drill. Semaphore practice on the parade ground. Gun teams practi...
One of the guests gets out of a car outside the main door of the house. The car, along with another, leaves through the gates. A further party of four guests emerging from another car is greeted by tw...
The film opens with a German jackboot across the map of Alsace-Lorraine. An old couple in Alsatian costume read the news of the annexation and bemoan their fate while German officers strut outside the...
In 1921, following the World War I armistice, the Allies occupy a section of German territory in order to obtain war reparations. The French troops are situated in the Rhenish territory, whose first F...
Mobilization in Germany. Recruited soldiers in streets with civilians.
A group of civilians and policemen. In the middle stands infantryman Kubík (actor: Václav Kubásek) on suit. Next to Kubík stands a woman on skirt and shawl.
A group of civilians and policemen. In the middle stands infantryman Kubík (actor: Václav Kubásek) on suit. Next to Kubík stands a woman on skirt and shawl.