I. 'SIDECAR OUTING FOR WOUNDED SOLDIERS: Wounded soldiers from St Thomas's Hospital enjoy a run to Burford Bridge, where they are entertained by Alderman Duncan Watson'. The soldiers sit on the steps;...
The video shows the first five minutes of the film. Film synopsis: Based on elements of the Goethe classic, Faust tells the story of the scholar of the same name, who is led into temptation by Mephist...
I. Belgrade Airport. Władysław Gomulka, General Secretary of PZPR /Polish United Workers' Party/, and Józef Cyrankiewicz, Prime Minister of Poland, get off the plane. They were welcomed by Yugoslav...
Ten years after the first emigration wave of Greek laborers to Belgium coalmines, the director takes a personal view of the problems confronting these laborers in a European country which provides the...
The film is partially completed, and shows some signs of proper editing, but scenes may break off abruptly in one reel and resume in another reel. Throughout the film numerous reporters, press photogr...
ESPANYA AL DIA [SPAIN TODAY], Laya Films and Popular Film newsreel produced during the Spanish Civil War made up of the following news reports: 1. VALENCE. UNE NOUVELLE ECOLE (sic) Official openin...
In postwar Thessaloniki, Dimitris, a young man, "arrests" Spyros, a kid who stole a wallet and tells him his story, namely the story of the 160 children that made up "The Barefoot Battalion" and strug...
Postman Antonis (Orestis Makris) with Froso, his grumpy wife (Nelli Marselou) and his daughter Toula (Nelly Mavropoulou) live in a house with a yard in the district of Plaka, Athens. The same yard sha...
U dřevěného plotu stojí Lašková a Souček. Oba mají na sobě kroj.
U dveří v pokoji stojí Irča (Suzanne Marwille) a další tři dívky v nočních košilích. Za sebou mají dveře, zleva i zprava jsou kovové postele, nalevo noční stolky a pod postelí vlevo ...
U stolu i na stole sedí čtyři dívky v uniformách a hovoří spolu. Nalevo stojí sloup a židle, pozadí tvoří listy stromů.